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Change video sources position


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Just go to Wordpress admin area and then to Theme Editor, then go to this file:


Fint this code and cut it:

<!-- Regular Player and Player Options -->
        <?php DooPlayer::viewer($post->ID, 'movie', $player, $trailer, $player_wht, $tviews, $player_ads, $dynamicbg);?>

And put it just before this:

<!-- Movie Links -->

And done.




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Hi friend,

Thank you so much for your help but im using Dooplay  2.2.2 and i dont found :

<!-- Regular Player and Player Options -->
        <?php DooPlayer::viewer($post->ID, 'movie', $player, $trailer, $player_wht, $tviews, $player_ads, $dynamicbg);?>

On (inc/parts/single/peliculas.php)


Can you help more please ?

TY !

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